Is It Just Me?
224 pagina's
Is It Just Me?

Duurzaam & sociaal

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Have you ever wondered if you're the only one who's hurt, struggling, lonely, and confused? It's not just you. Grace Valentine wants you to know one thing for sure: You're not alone in your struggle. You're not the only one feeling freaked out by the future. You're not the only one dealing with crap. You're not alone! Many women joke about having trust issues-laughing at their struggle because it feels common but secretly feeling there is no hope. Grace Valentine was one of them. In her twenties, she realized her trust issues were not humorous because, in reality, hers were trust issues with Jesus, her community, her family, and herself. And they were destroying her faith. Grace told herself she was simply being realistic, but the truth was, she was entangled with doubt and lies. In Grace's second book, Is It Just Me?, she'll walk you through how to handle rejection, stop joking about your issues, and find peace and healing for your scars by answering five deeply felt questions: Am I the only one who is tired, overwhelmed, doubting, and fearful? Am I the only one who feels hurt and lonely? Am I the only one who still is struggling to find my purpose? Am I the only one struggling to trust that God is there? Am I the only one confused about how to be an adult? Grace's prayer is that as you journey with her through early adulthood, you'll remember you have a Savior who loves you, flaws and all. By learning to trust in God's design and His plans for your future, you'll find you have everything you need to thrive in your twenties-and beyond.

Aantal pagina's
224 pagina's
21,5 cm × 13,9 cm × 21,5 cm

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Ben ik genoeg?
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Duurzaam & sociaal
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